Aeronautical Proficiency Training
Aeronautical Proficiency Training
National Airspace System - FAA Safety Briefing LIVE! - May/June 2021 Issue
This is the audio version of an FAA Safety Briefing LiveVideo Broadcast.
The original LiveVideo broadcast can be accessed at https://www.FAASafetyBriefing.com/May-June2021.html and qualifies for FAA WINGS and/or AMT Credits.
After the podcast click on this link to take the quiz to earn immediate WINGS / AMT credit - https://www.faasafety.gov/gslac/ALC/course_content.aspx?enrolled=true&cID=690
The May-June 2021 issue focuses on the FAA’s integration strategies for new entrants and types of operations in the National Airspace System.
Articles cover some of the infrastructure and regulatory changes that will help enable these changes, as well as show how the FAA is facilitating the technological and design solutions that will provide safe and harmonious operation of these systems.
We’ll also look at how the FAA is helping to inform, educate, and inspire the next generation of NAS users.