Aeronautical Proficiency Training
Aeronautical Proficiency Training
ASA Presents: Author Talks "PILOTS IN COMMAND" by Kristofer Pierson
This is the audio version of an ASA Presents LiveVideo Broadcast.
The original LiveVideo broadcast can be accessed at https://www.asapresents.net/pierson.html and qualifies for FAA WINGS Credit.
After the podcast click on this link to take the quiz to earn immediate WINGS credit - https://www.faasafety.gov/gslac/ALC/course_content.aspx?enrolled=true&cID=958
During this episode of ASA Author Talks Airline pilot and author Capt. Kristofer Pierson discusses new regulatory requirements for Pilot Professional Development, and resources from his book "Pilots In Command: Your Best Trip, Every Trip” that aid pilots in becoming higher level professionals, leaders, and mentors.
“Pilots In Command: Your Best Trip, Every Trip” goes beyond what is required by flight training curricula, into what is both a rarity and a necessity: solid advice to student and professional aviators about how to be transformational leaders.
This third edition offers new insights into the airline training process, common experiences, and practices new pilots face when entering the airline industry; expands the previous edition’s discussions on culture, professionalism, pilot schedules and bidding, and safety for today’s airline operations; and includes new tips on maintaining professional excellence and optimizing your quality of life as an airline pilot. A new chapter on preparing for and completing the initial qualifications course, encompassing aircraft systems training, flight deck procedures training, maneuvers training, line oriented flight training (LOFT), and the line oriented evaluation.
Find the book here - https://asa2fly.com/pilots-in-command-your-best-trip-every-trip-third-edition/