Aeronautical Proficiency Training
Aeronautical Proficiency Training
From Proficiency to Mastery by Tom Turner
This is the audio version of a live presentation from the FAA Safety Center in Oshkosh Wisconsin during AirVenture 2018.
The video presentation can be access here to view and earn FAA WINGS credit too. https://www.faasteamtv.com/SafetyCenter/Mastery2018
About this Presentation
Most aviation training and evaluation is done to minimum standards. Safety, performance and efficiency are greatly enhanced when you go beyond the bare minimums of proficiency and strive for mastery of the aircraft and the environment in which you fly. There are specific techniques—not often taught in the rush of certificate and ratings training—that will significantly improve your flying performance and help you pursue mastery of flight.
Topics we cover include:
- Why mastery is such an important goal
- Keys to mastery and command of your aircraft
- Exercises to hone your expertise in normal, day-to-day flying
- The Rule of 10s for extreme precision during instrument approaches
- Simplifying emergency procedures for the most important things you need to do
- How to develop a personalize plan of continuing mastery education
Thomas P. Turner is president of Mastery Flight Training, Inc., and the Executive Director of the American Bonanza Society Air Safety Foundation. An ATP with CFI, CFII and MEI, he holds a Masters Degree in Aviation Safety, was the 2008 FAA Central Region CFI of the Year and the 2010 National FAA Safety Team Representative of the Year. In 2015 Tom was inducted into the Flight Instructor Hall of Fame.
Mastery Flight Training, Inc.
Since 1994, Tom’s Mastery Flight Training has delivered personalized, type-specific flight and ground instruction, as well as thousands of articles, podcasts and webinars on aviation technique and safety. MFT’s signature FLYING LESSONS Weeklyblog is read by thousands around the world each week, and is free at www.mastery-flight-training.com.
American Bonanza Society
The American Bonanza Society serves Beechcraft enthusiasts by sharing valuable safety, technical and educational resources, and by promoting interaction among and advocacy on behalf of its members.
ABS is the premier association for Bonanza, Baron, Debonair, and Travel Air enthusiasts, with 9,600+ members who own, fly, or have a sincere interest in these Beechcraft models.Learn more at www.bonanza.org