Aeronautical Proficiency Training
Aeronautical Proficiency Training
Airport Surface Safety - FAA Safety Briefing LIVE! - March/April 2021 Issue
This is the audio version of an FAA Safety Briefing LiveVideo Broadcast.
The original LiveVideo broadcast can be accessed at https://www.FAASafetyBriefing.com/March-April2021.html and qualifies for FAA WINGS and/or AMT Credits.
This issue of FAA Safety Briefing focuses on the many facets of airport surface safety.
Feature articles and departments provide a “road map” to the various tools, resources, and strategies airmen can use to steer clear of risk during the ramp-to-runway segment of their journey. We look at some technology advances, both inside and outside the cockpit, that are proving effective in the battle against runway incursions and surface safety events.
We also take a behind-the-scenes look at the FAA’s surface safety stewards, the men and women who manage the agency’s Runway Safety Program and who regularly depend on your feedback.
Links to the Airport Crossword Puzzle and Airport Signs & Markings noted in the print copy -
Airport Crossword - http://bit.ly/AirportCrossword
Airport Signs & Markings - http://bit.ly/AirportMarks